Staff Favorites

Check out the media that the Green Life team is consuming.


Discard Antropology with Robin Nagle

Listen to all the dirty details about waste in the United States with a touch of humor and a lot of heart. 


We 💗Ridwell. Check out a list of their services and consider adding your email to their interest list to get this eco-service to Madison!

Zero Waste Madison

Facebook group for everyone in the Madison area looking for sustainability resources and free items. Submit a request to join this group and join five thousand local eco-minded members in taking small steps to make a big difference. 

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Hanna Kohn

Hanna Kohn is the Operations & Communications Manager with Green Life Trading Co. where she educates individuals and small businesses on accessible and sustainable products and solutions. She holds a BA in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is a Sustain Dane Master Recycler. Hanna is always up for a chat about composting or the latest animal & nature emojis.