How To Refill: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Refill: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted by Hanna Kohn on

As our friends at Dip put it, refill is the new record store. Our shop, along with refill locations around the country, are fantastic hubs. From eco-friendly products to the space that they provide for people to seek community and expand their understanding of sustainability, refilleries are the place to be in 2023. Green Life Trading Co. offers options to refill bulk personal and home products online as well as in-store so you can dive in no matter where you are in your low-waste journey.

Shipped Orders

Refillable pouch and starter bottle filled with liquids

You will find a vast selection of bulk home and personal care goods available for purchase at our online store. We love being able to provide liquid products in either a new reusable container (such as a glass pump bottle) or a refill pouch. You are encouraged to send refill pouches back to us at the shop via the prepaid USPS envelope included in all refill pouch orders. No need to thoroughly clean pouches before sending them back to us, a quick rinse will do! If you’d rather keep your pouches and reuse them on your own, that’s cool. But when you return your pouches, they will be cleaned and sanitized upon receipt and sent out again to the next happy refill customer so that the beautiful refill cycle can start all over again.

Pro Tip: select “Subscribe…” on your favorite refills for 10% off your future orders!

Local Delivery & Pickup

We use reusable and returnable plastic refill pouches for local delivery and local pickup orders as well. When you order liquid products for local pickup or delivery, an info card is included with details including your order number. Hold onto that card! Once you’ve emptied your pouch, we encourage you to return your pouch to the store along with the information card. Once we receive your returned pouches and info card, we clean and sanitize them and issue a refund of $2 per pouch. Feel free to slide your pouch through our mail slot outside of regular Green Life hours.

Pro Tip: select “Subscribe…” on your favorite refills for 10% off your future orders!

Refilling In-Store

hands holding jar and sharpie, writing weight of jar on top

We encourage you to bring in your own container to fill up on bulk items in-store. Your bulk refill container can be anything from a glass mason jar to a plastic shampoo bottle and does not need to be totally empty in order to fill up although we do recommend the occasional container reset.

  • Take tare (or resting weight) of your container at the scale located at the front of the store
  • Write the weight on your container using the markers and tape provided or take note on your phone
  • Fill up!
  • Bring your purchase to the counter and let sales associate know what product you filled

Note: A few of our bulk products such as laundry strips, lemon dish pods and toilet bowl bombs are sold by count instead of weight so be sure to count as you go.

If you find yourself without a suitable container from home to fill up with your desired goods while shopping with us, no worries, you’ve got options!

Bulk Bag

Paper bags stamped with Green Life Trading Co logo

These bulk bags are available throughout the store and are free and available for use when filling up on dry goods. The bags may be reused again and again for refilling and can be brought back into Green Life Trading Co. for composting once they’ve reached their end of life.

Free Shelf

Wooden shelf with empty jars with arm reaching for jar

There is always an assortment of donated and sanitized jars and containers available on our Free Shelf located at the back of the shop. All of the containers on the Free Shelf have been weighed and are ready to be filled with bulk products like Hand & Body Wash, Shampoo and Castile Soap. If you would like to donate containers to the Free Shelf, visit our Container Collection page for more information.

Containers For Purchase

If you need a more specialized bottle or container to hold your bulk products, we have a selection of options available for purchase including silicone squeeze travel bottles, small glass jars, spray bottles and much more. We already have all of the weights for these containers in our records, so you are free to grab whatever you please and start filling up.

If you have any questions or concerns about refilling online or in-store please feel free to email me at

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  • Hey Deborah! Thank you so much for refilling with us! Please contact us at to make adjustments to your order.

    Anonymous on
  • I just placed an order and would like to include liquid hand soap. I had always brought refillables when local. Now you send returnable pouches. I’d like 3 pouches if available

    Deborah Deborah on

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