Wisconsin Refill Store Dreams Big

Wisconsin Refill Store Dreams Big

Posted by Hanna Kohn on

Refill stores are beautiful because of the creativity that they bring out in people. Refilling requires you to see beauty and potential in the mundane - the objects we’ve been conditioned to see as disposable. 

When you refill at our store, you are taking part in an inspired eco-action. What could become another dish soap bottle in a landfill becomes a refill ritual of resistance. A product traditionally sold encased in plastic becomes one that comes wrapped snugly in a compostable paper bag. The empty hand soap bottle in the bathroom becomes something to be replenished, not replaced. 

When you order bulk products through our online store, you are supporting a closed loop system that holds reuse in high esteem.  From our small store in Madison, WI, we fill pouches with bulk goods and pack them using post consumer materials. We include a prepaid return envelope for you to return your pouches to us so that we can sanitize and keep them in circulation. When you order from us, you are participating in a narrative of change and caring for the planet. To refill is to dream bigger, beyond the confines of conventional commerce and goods.

We’re proud of being able to provide this space for enlightenment and eco-action for our Madison, Wisconsin community (and beyond!) and look forward to new refill innovation, imagination and hope ahead 💚

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