• In Store

    Bring your own clean and dry container, purchase one of ours or grab a donated jar from our free shelf! If you brought your own container, detour to the scale and record the weight of the empty container with its top on. Refills are sold by the ounce or per unit. Fill your container and leave about an inch of space to prevent spillage. Bring your items to the counter for checkout, don’t worry, we do all the math!

    Pro Tip: If you biked to the shop, let us know at checkout for 5% off your purchase.

  • Soft plastic pouch on light pink backdrop. Pouch is designed to be cleaned and reused many times!

    Local Delivery & Pickup

    Select any of our liquid products in either a reusable container or a refill pouch. Refill pouches come with an info card that you will return with your pouch to the store once you've emptied the pouch into your container at home. Feel free to slide your pouch through our mail slot during off hours. When we receive the pouch and card, we’ll refund you $2 per pouch and sanitize it for our next awesome refill customer. 

    Pro Tip: select “Subscribe…” on your favorite refills for 10% off your future orders!

  • Shipping

    Choose any of our liquid products in either a reusable container or a refill pouch. Refill pouches come with a pre-paid return mailer to send back once you've emptied the pouch into your container at home. When we receive the pouch, we'll sanitize it and refill it for our next happy refiller. 

    Pro Tip: select “Subscribe…” on your favorite refills for 10% off your future orders!

Refill FAQ's

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What's the deal with the plastic pouches?

We are not categorically anti-plastic. That would be silly, plastic—in the right application—is an incredible material! We are anti single-use plastics when desigend for the rituals we do daily!

Our soft, yet sturdy, refill pouches use 93% less plastic than your traditional plastic bottle. Since you’re sending them back to us—free of charge—we’re using them time and time again.

Light weight and malleable enough to flatten, our pouches are shipped a in small envelope, helping us reduce carbon emissions. This is the most environmentally friendly way to ship liquids. 

Why do you not ship refills in glass jars?

We love an old peanut butter jar for in store filling but we don’t ship our refills in glass for two reasons. Firstly, its heavy! Shipping accounts for nearly 3% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. While we do offset our shipping emissions, the smaller and lighter we can make our packages the better they are for the environment. Secondly, glass is breakable and we don’t want to ruin a mailperson's day. 

Do I need to return the pouch right away?

No need to rush the return. You can even keep a pouch or two under the sink as your personal at home refill station! But please, return your pouch eventually so we can use it again! 

Do I need to clean the pouch before returning it?

You do not need to deep clean your pouch before returning it but our team does appreciate a quick rinse.

What is the proper way to dispose of the paper refill bags?

Our paper refill bags are compostable and recyclable, just be sure to remove the metal tin tie. 

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